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Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement

This statement was written on 07/19/2024 for the website

It is valid from its publication, must be updated after 3 years, following major changes to the site, or 18 months after a new version of the reference standard.

    Compliance Status

    The website: has an accessibility rate of 54.55% and is therefore Partially compliant with the General Accessibility Improvement Reference (RGAA 4.1.2).

    Test Results

    The compliance audit conducted on 07/19/2024 by AccessiWay reveals that 54.55% of the RGAA version 4.1.2 criteria are met.

    Details of the results:

    • Number of compliant criteria: 30
    • Number of non-compliant criteria: 25
    • Number of non-applicable criteria: 51

    Inaccessible Content

    The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons.


    • 1: Does each informative image have a textual alternative?
    • 2: Is each decorative image correctly ignored by assistive technologies?
    • 3: For each informative image with a textual alternative, is the alternative relevant (except in specific cases)?
    • 6: Does each informative image have, if necessary, a detailed description?
    • 2: On each web page, is the contrast between the text color and its background color sufficiently high (except in specific cases)?
    • 3: For each formatting table, does the linearized content remain understandable?
    • 1: Is each link explicit (except in specific cases)?
    • 2: On each web page, does each link have a title?
    • 1: Is each script, if necessary, compatible with assistive technologies?
    • 3: Is each script controllable by keyboard and any pointing device (except in specific cases)?
    • 5: Does each web page have a page title?
    • 1: On each web page, is the information structured by appropriate use of headings?
    • 2: On each web page, is the document structure consistent (except in specific cases)?
    • 3: On each web page, is each list correctly structured?
    • 8: For each web page, are hidden contents intended to be ignored by assistive technologies?
    • 9: On each web page, is information not provided solely by shape, size, or position? Is this rule respected?
    • 11: For each web page, can the content be presented without requiring both vertical scrolling for a window with a height of 256px and horizontal scrolling for a window with a width of 320px (except in specific cases)?
    • 1: Does each form field have a label?
    • 2: Is each label associated with a form field relevant (except in specific cases)?
    • 10: In each form, is input control used appropriately (except in specific cases)?
    • 11: In each form, is input control accompanied, if necessary, by suggestions to help correct input errors?
    • 8: On each web page, is the tab order consistent?
    • 8: On each web page, is each moving or flashing content controllable by the user?


    Disproportionate Burden Exemptions

    No content to mention

    Content Not Subject to Accessibility Requirement

    No content to mention

    Establishment of This Accessibility Statement

    This statement was established on 07/19/2024.

    Technologies Used to Develop the Site

    • HTML5
    • CSS
    • Javascript

    Testing Environment

    Operating Systems

    • Apple Mac OS X 13.4
    • Microsoft Windows 11
    • Apple iOS 16
    • Google Android 13

    Browsers and Software

    In the latest versions available on the different operating systems:

    • Google Chrome
    • Windows Edge
    • Safari
    • Brave
    • Adobe Acrobat Reader / Preview on Mac (for PDFs only)

    Tools for Evaluating Accessibility

    • Mouse emulators, screen magnifiers, and on-screen keyboards from different systems.
    • VoiceOver (Apple systems only)
    • TalkBack (Android only)
    • NVDA 2024 and Freedom Scientific JAWS 2022 (PC systems only)
    • Tanaguru webext RGAA4
    • RGAA Assistant
    • Graphical evaluation tools available on different systems (colors, contrasts, subtitles, etc.)

    Pages of the Site That Were Checked for Compliance


    Feedback and Contact

    If you are unable to access any content or service, you can contact the accessibility manager of Letanneur ( to be directed to an accessible alternative or to receive the content in another format.

    Recourse Options

    If you find an accessibility issue preventing you from accessing content or functionality on the site, and after reporting it to us you do not receive a response, you have the right to file a complaint or request with the Defender of Rights.

    You have several options available:

    Defender of Rights

    Free Response 71120

    75342 Paris CEDEX 07
