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Legal Notices

The information and notices below are communicated primarily through the application of the law n° 2004-575 of the 21st June 2004 on the trust in the digital economy.

The information convened can be modified at any moment by Le Tanneur. The action of visiting and browsing the website available on, from now on the Website, leads to the acceptance without reserve of any user of the notices and conditions below.


URL of the Website:


Le Tanneur & Cie, anonymous society to the administration assembly with a social capital of € 28 978 015 euros, identified with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris under the number B 414 433 797, whose social headquarters are located at the 7 rue Tronchet, PARIS (8), SIREN : 414 433 797, CODE APE : 4772B, TVA intracommunautaire: FR 23 414433797, from now on named Le Tanneur & Cie.

Email address:

Telephone number N°: 01 44 72 40 00
Service Relation Clients du Site
Email address : rubrique Contact du site

Postal address :
La Boutique En Ligne Le Tanneur
Service Clientèle
7 Rue Tronchet -75008 Paris


Company Shopify, company number (NE) de 847871746 whose social headquarters are located at
150 rue Elgin
Suite 800
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1L4
Phone number : 1-888-746-7439


  • 4.1 Cookies

The « cookies » are a group of data which are used to save data regarding the browsing by a user on the website. The « cookies » do not allow to identify a user.

Le Tanneur informs the users that such « cookies » can be installed automatically on their browsing platform.

The cookies emitted by Le Tanneur on the Website allows to save information relating to the browsing of the User on the Website to browse the Website and use the functions of it such as to make an order to memorise information relative to the sign up form filled out by the User or to products chosen as to avoid repeating the selection of items asked before (basket, etc.) to facilitate the reconnection of the User to the Website to adapt the presentation of the Website to the User terminal to establish statistics and amounts of visits and to measure and analyse the way that Users use the Website in order to better the workings of the Website and the user experience.

The settings of the browsing platform inform the presence of “cookies” and eventually to refuse them by looking through the instructions of the various browsing platforms of each user.

The users have a right of access, removal and modification of personal data communicated through “cookies” in the conditions indicated in the Confidentiality Charter.

Le Tanneur brings the users attention to the fact that, for technical reasons, deactivating the « cookies » can block access for users to the Website.

  • 4.2 Guaranties and limitation of responsibility

Le Tanneur tries its best to keep the Website available 24 hours out of 24 and 7 days out of 7, independently from the scheduled maintenances, under reserve from the dispositions of this article.

Access to the Website and the content is provided on the basis of a service “in function” and accessible depending on its availability.

Le Tanneur does not give any express or implicit guaranty on the intangibility of all or part of the Website, the contents and its permanent availability.

Le Tanneur cannot guaranty that certain characteristics of the products (especially the colours) represented on the Website are exact copies of the real products; the fidelity depends partly on the quality of the image and colours on the electronic equipment of each user.

Le Tanneur engages itself to make the best efforts to assure the exploitation of the Website and its access in the best conditions.

Any user agrees to not divulge to another individual their personal username and password regarding the Website as well as contacting immediately the Customer Service of Le Tanneur in case of loss, theft or fraudulent use of their own data.

In theory, Le Tanneur would not be heldresponsible in case of an access to the Website or the use of the services ofthe Website by a user not agreeing with the notions here spoken of andespecially in case of access to the services through fraud, loss, theft orcommunication of personal details.

Also, the act of accessing the Website impliesthe acceptance by the user of specific characteristics of the internet network aswell as risks and problems that go with it (slow response time, risks relatingto exchange of personal information, hacking, viruses).

The user agrees to take the entireresponsibility of any visit and browsing of the Website, Le Tanneur would notbe able to take any responsibility in case of direct or indirect damage causedby any user following a misuse or by misusing a computer or any electronictool, through an issue in the maintenance of the hardware or internet access,and more generally all misfunctions of servers, phone lines, ADSL connexions,or others.

The Website is likely to contain links towardsother websites which are out of Le Tanneur’s control. Le Tanneur refuses allresponsibility in case of disrespect of the rules regarding the protection ofdata or content of these other websites.

  • 4.3 Intellectual Property

The presentation and content of the Website, including without limit, the look of it, the brands, the logos, the domain name, the graphics, the models, the music, the photos, the animations, the texts, the descriptions and more generally all items whether they be visual (animated or not) and/or auditory, as well as software used to edit the Website (the “Distinct Signs and Content”) constitute together or individually, distinctives signs or pieces protected by laws and foreign and international conventions in terms of intellectual property.

Le Tanneur is the owner or benefits of the rights of intellectual property necessary to the usage of the Website and of each of its Distinct Signs and Content.

The access to the Website does not give any rights to the users over intellectual property relative to the Website nor to the Distinct Signs and Content.

All total or partial reproduction of the Distinct Signs and Content is prohibited, same as with the representation, modification, transmission, publication, adaptation, on whatever support it may be, by whichever way it may be, or the exploitation in any way of part of or the entirety of the Website without the written and initial authorisation by Le Tanneur.

The creation of any hyperlink that sends the user to any page of the Website is strictly prohibited without the initial written agreement by Le Tanneur.

The non-authorised exploitation by Le Tanneur at whichever title it may be, of all or part of the Website could lead to an inappropriate action, notably of an action of forgery.

Hyperlinks towards other websites can beaccessed on the Website to facilitate the user’s navigation. Le Tanneur howeverdoes not have any legal obligation to verify the content nor does it eitherhave the means to do so. The data collected on these websites can not becommunicated to Le Tanneur, who is not responsible for their treatment. LeTanneur will not be seen as responsible for the information collected oroffered on the websites. Le Tanneur declines all responsibility relative to thecontent of the websites relating to their Website.

  • 4.4 Personal data

In agreement to the law Informatique et Liberté of the 6th January 1978 and the European Regulation n° 2016-679 said General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Le Tanneur informs the user that personal data collected on the Website will be used by its internal services and/or the companies that are part of the group in which Le Tanneur belongs and/or by the technical partners:

  • to inform the user of news and upcoming events, by the sending of electronic information emails and texts,
  • for the treatment of the order taken by a user,
  • to reinforce and personalise communication notably by the sending of newsletters, special offers (and especially competitions, games, etc.) and special emails in the aim of personalising the Website in function of preferences noticed in the user’s behaviour.

Also, Le Tanneur reminds that if the user were to change their mind at any time and did not wish to receive a certain category of emails, they could at any moment change their settings regarding their emails by going to the Website, in the “My Account” tab. The Client can also unsubscribe, for emails by clicking on the unsubscribing link at the bottom of each email received and for texts by clicking on STOP at each text received.

Le Tanneur reminds the user that they can also communicate personal data to ensure the delivery of orders by the companies, certain aspects of the after-sale, and to conduct satisfaction investigations. Also, Le Tanneur can also communicate this data to respond to an authoritative judiciary or administrative request.

During the creation or browsing of their account, the user can choose to receive offers mainly commercial sent by Le Tanneur.

In summary, the user has the right to access, correct, limit, modify, delete and carry their personal data.

The user can also request to access the information regarding them, to correct, modify, limit, transfer or delete them, or to refuse their treatment by Le Tanneur by sending an email to Le Tanneur :

The user can also modify his personal detailsfrom his client account by identifying themselves thanks to their email andpassword.

The collection of information relating to personal data is present in the Confidentiality Charter, which can be accessed on the Website.


Le Tanneur has the right to modify this document at any moment. The version of this document right here applicable to each visit to the Website can be found in the “Legal Notices” tab on the Website.

Le Tanneur encourages its users to regularly look through this document.


The present notions are established and validated by the French law.

Apart from an opposite public order, all legal action linked to interpretation, the validity and the consequences of the hereby mentioned notions, will exclusively be taken care of by the french judiciary territorial administration.

Considering the global reach of the internet, Le Tanneur informs that all users must obey the rules and laws from their country.